Types of Smoke

When we meet with you after a fire, our first concern is your safety. We then run a series of tests to determine the type of smoke that caused the damage.

Smoke plays a key role during a fire restoration project, and has a lot to do with how complex or involved the restoration will be. To that end, it's important to understand the type of smoke that occurred during the fire.

There are four main categories of smoke, each one requiring individualized treatment.

Categories of smoke

Dry Smoke

Fast-burning, high-temperature fires produce dry smoke. Not only does dry smoke deposit a powdery, dusty residue on virtually every item it touches, it leaves a strong odour that permeates many household materials. This smoke will travel to higher areas causing damage in places where the fire wasn’t present.

Wet Smoke

Usually associated with smouldering, wet smoke is particularly invasive. Whereas the smell produced by dry smoke will generally disappear after being washed from fabrics, wet smoke leaves behind a particularly pungent odour that can be difficult to erase. Wet smoke tends to be sticky and smears easily, making it very difficult to clean.

Protein Smoke

As you might have guessed, protein smoke damage comes specifically from proteins, commonly caused by burnt meat or eggs that were forgotten on the stove or in the oven. There are usually no visible signs of smoke or soot. However, while invisible to the eye, protein smoke has a very strong and acrid odour. In time, even protein smoke will become visible as interior surfaces begin to discolour.

Fuel-Oil Soot

Although today’s boilers and heaters are designed to eliminate soot build-up, there are still burners in use that can create serious fuel-oil soot problems. This soot can settle on and stick to clothing, furniture, drapes, and carpets. A dark and greasy residue makes cleaning tricky, and if left untreated, fuel-oil soot can cause permanent damage.

Our Service Territory

DKI-Pro Pacific’s exclusive service territory is highlighted on the map above. Please click on the office location closest to your property for contact details.

“In January of this year I had a flood in [my home] resulting in a great deal of water damage. My insurance company contacted DKI-Pro Pacific, and from the moment the Project Manager arrived I felt I was in good hands. He came promptly, took charge in professional and reassuring manner and kept the job moving steadily from one phase to the next. It is becoming more and more rare to find pleasant polite workmen who do a good job and take pride in their work, and instead of the nightmare I had envisioned, I was surprised to find myself actually enjoying the restoration process!”