Storm Preparation Tips

Storms can appear out of nowhere and may cause unexpected power outages. We've put together a list of tips to help you be prepared for a storm.

Power outages can happen at any time, and with little or no warning. We've put together a list of ideas for you to consider to be better prepared for a storm or high winds.

Before an outage

Invest in surge protectors

With all of the technology we depend on today, make sure your outlets have high quality surge protectors to prevent damage from a power outage. You may also want to consider a battery back-up, or UPS, for your desktop computer(s) to prevent data loss.

Prepare an emergency kit

Create an emergency kit with a few essentials to help get you through a power outage and bad weather. Examples would be candles, flashlights, a battery operated radio, extra batteries, ready-to-eat food options, cards, games, blankets, and clothing.

Know where you fuses are

It's important to know where your fuse box is located. During a power outage, go outside and check out other houses in the neighbourhood. If you are the only one without power, check your circuit breakers or fuses.

Listen for updates

If your neighbourhood is out of power, use your cell phone or a battery powered radio to check out a local storm and power outage updates.

Know your emergency numbers

Keep a list of local emergency phone numbers and a corded telephone in a convenient, easy-to-find (and remember) location. To contact BC Hydro for updates, call 1-888-POWERON from a landline or *HYDRO (*49376) from your cell phone.

During a power outage

Things to do

Turn off electric appliances, especially heaters and all lights. Just keep one interior and one exterior light on. The interior light will inform you when the power is back, and the exterior light will inform BC Hydro workers power has returned to the area.

Things to avoid

Fallen power lines or sparking wires are very unsafe and require a professional to move and repair them. Please report any hazards to BC Hydro immediately.

Our Service Territory

DKI-Pro Pacific’s exclusive service territory is highlighted on the map above. Please click on the office location closest to your property for contact details.

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